Don't Study In Thieves Schools Get Tuition At Home And .....By Laliajay

 It is better to teach Guardian to your children at home than to teach them in schools. Arrange home school to teach at home. You guys might be wondering what is this homeschool?

This is not a new thing, everyone knows it, it is just being spoken in a new way. In home school, children are given two or three tuition teachers and the school is closed. Tuition teachers come home and teach the children, this makes their studies better and the students also get freedom from unnecessary subjects, most of the home schools are running in Delhi.

The school people are so wicked and scoundrels that they only know how to collect fees from the Guardian.

Kanbim School is a school in Banaras,

This school takes so much fees from the children that don't ask, it takes 6 to 7 thousand fees from the children of class VI. Only this unnecessary thing - he takes fees by adding that thing.

And in the name of education, this school only has a program like English speaking.

Such schools have a connection with the board. By going to the board office, they give more money so that the copies of the children of 10th and 12th standard suit these schools well and the children of these schools are given maximum marks.

And then the school people print a lot of photos that how many children in our school got more marks than this. hey.

And if it is seen according to the percentage, then the children studying in these schools become a flag in the competition.

And only a few are successful, out of that most of the photos are printed with money.

So it's all a mixed game.

If you want to make your child a doctor, then what is the use of teaching computer science, social subjects, political science, GK, such subjects to him unnecessarily, you teach targeted studies, it will be more beneficial. Children learn all these subject-related things while living in nature, what is the need to teach them separately, especially when that boy is going to become a doctor.

He should be taught Physics, Chemistry, Bio, and Simple Mathematical such things at the basic level, when he is studying in 6th standard or 5th standard so that the foundation is already built.

The school people will teach useless subjects because they have to earn money, where your child's career is going, it doesn't matter to them, just show off means rahata.

Therefore, if you want to make your child a doctor or engineer, that too of high quality, then arrange a home school at home, that is, get one to two tutors.

This will save your extra money and the child will also get good education.

Try using this formula once, you will get a lot of benefit. Everything will be under your supervision. When you don't understand anything and follow the old formula by rote, then school will be fine for you.

Even in Karona, when the school was closed, the school people collected a lot of fees from the guardians, it is not that the schools have halved the fees; But.

When you have to study online sitting at home, you child will not study at home by taking tuition. School rascals are bastards, they teach hill to the guardian, they become great drivers 👎

In order to save their business, the school people had devised all these methods to save their business.

If the child has to study online, then there are many such institutes which are providing online education, that too in less money. So it is better than this.

The Guardian's mind is also set, to make children's school dress, make tiffin in the morning, then send them to school, this whole process is good, because he himself has come after doing all this process, so he wants to see his life in his children. Whether it is right or not right. So it is also a cause of trouble that the Guardian is not changing its mindset. Instead of doing the right thing, he is acting like a fool.

If you want the future of your children to be good, then say goodbye to the school, and give tuition to the children, that too at home, and give a good education, give targeted education. Most of our guardians are from middle class, they earn money by working very hard, so it is the effort of our team that the guardian's money is saved and the children get good targeted education. And get rid of thieves schools.

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🙏🙏🙏🙏 Jai Shri Ram 🌹🌹 Har Har Mahadev 🙏🙏🙏🙏

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