Save Your Betta's Life From the Pet Store's Tiny Cup

 "You Saved Your Betta's Life From the Pet Store's Tiny Cup. Now Learn How to Make Your Betta Into the Most Comfortable, Safe, and Cared-For Fish in the World!"

Alone in the bathroom, feeling helpless as my kids cried. I'd just had to flush Ruddy, our beloved betta fish, down the toilet.

On a cold, bleak winter day a few years ago, that was the final sad result of the first betta fish I'd bought.

It shouldn't have ended up that way. I remember the first time I went into a pet store and saw that majestic looking betta, bright red with flowing fins, crammed into a tiny little plastic cup.

There wasn't enough room for him to swim. Heck, he couldn't even move. Nor could he even spread out those amazing fins.

So I decided I had to buy that noble fish. I had to save his life and give him the happiness he deserved after being treated so cruelly by the pet store.

But only a few months after taking him home, I failed. It seemed like even though I did everything I thought I should, my betta still died.

I tried again with other bettas. They did okay (living average lifespans), but it seemed like there would always be something wrong with them. A betta would stop eating for days. The next week another betta's beautiful fins would split... and then never heal... no matter what I did.

Then there would be the persistent fin rot popping up on my fish.

I kept their water insanely clean. I treated them like pampered royalty, catering to all their wants. I followed all the instructions I could.

But still, there was always something. I got so tired of it. I'm a grown man -- which makes me ashamed to admit this -- but there were days I broke down and cried. I love bettas and want to do everything I can for them.

About the only thing I had going for me was my persistence -- my ability to do in-depth research and my drive to become a good "betta parent."

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