How to get traffic to your website or blog-
To get traffic on the website or blog, these people adopt all kinds of gimmicks, but no gimmick is as useful as Shiva paid marketing. Whether you share on the page of WhatsApp or share in the group, nothing is going to be beneficial. WhatsApp has already created a group of 250 and locked it. To add more than 250 people, you have to take its paid plan.
It's just everywhere these days. They are creating a platform and asking people to join and have been giving concessions to them to some extent. And then taking money from them for more features.
The cleverness of the Instagram person-
Instagram has launched its own app in the market and the most interesting thing is that by using this app you can only share photos and cannot share any kind of link. That is, if you think that along with the photo, you will also put a link in it so that people click on the link and go to your website and you get some traffic, then this thing is not going to happen from here.
You can put the link only in your profile, which is not as effective as it should be. If you have 300,000 or 400,000 followers on Instagram, then maybe you can earn some money from it. By doing paid promotion of people. But you are not going to get much benefit from this and hard work is very much.
The owner of the same Instagram runs sponsored ads on his Instagram, by clicking on which you can easily reach the website but for this you have to pay money. So it means to say that Stagram makes traffic only from common people. And doesn't give them much option to do anything except wasting time.
Therefore, it is better to make fallowers on Instagram that you create a site similar to Instagram, that is, create the app yourself and load it on the Google Play Store, if you have 1000000 subscribers, then you can do your marketing well on it. Are and can easily earn 10 to 1200000 rupees a month.
You can also earn a lot of money by placing sponsored ads in the same way.
That's why it is better to create your own site or app than working on this Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, WhatsApp... etc. or working to earn money by increasing the fallower. And earn a lot of money.
Once it may take a little effort to make this type of service site, because you may not have complete knowledge of making it, but once you learn to make it, then your silver Only silver.
just think about it